Thursday, August 21, 2014


So....I have been away for some time, but I have gotten the itch to begin blogging again.  My wife is a great inspiration with her scrapbooking and through blogging, I am able to provide up-to-date news about my favorite video games, movies, television shows, technology, aviation, and many other passions that I enjoy.  Much like my wife's blog, Simply Suzanna, I will be following a similar outline per week.

Mondays will be known as Miscellaneous Mondays, where I could post anything related to any topic or genre.  Tuesdays will be Television Tuesdays.  Here I will post about my favorite TV shows and hopefully entice everyone to join in on the fun!  Wednesdays will be Wordless Wednesdays (which I stole from my wife :P)  There will be pictures or videos posted, but I will refrain from blogging or talking about them, other than a quick comment explaining what they are.  Technology Thursdays will be filled with all types of current technology, from computers and software, to gaming and mobile.  I will round the week off with Flying Fridays, of which I will grace you with my ultimate passion and career, everything aviation related.

I look forward to exploring this new and exciting world of blogging, once again, and I welcome everyone to the Flying Nerd Herder!!!

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